Friday, January 25, 2013

Spring Cleaning in the New Year!

So, I've been bitten by the Spring Cleaning Bug already, and trying really hard not to take on all of it at once. I don't know about you, but my list is oddly growing into not only thinning out my material possessions and fresh paint, but also serious home repairs--yikes!

A little while back I had found a great article on Etsy that got me thinking about smart storage for small spaces here, and that got my attention.

I was able to take a little chunk off of my list this last weekend by using a few of those tips reorganizing my Art Cove! It's still shifting, however it feels much more open and inviting for creative juices where I used to feel more cramped than anything artsy. I'm particularly proud of how I executed a brilliant storage suggestion for my ever-growing inventory of stuffed monsters! Now I look forward to sitting at my desk and getting things done! C:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Belated Halloween Post!

Hi Everyone! Been swept up in busy holiday preparations? Yeah, me, too...
But before November ends, I wanted to post photos of my awesome Halloween decorations this year. My birthday was on the perfect day to combine a birthday party and Halloween party--Saturday! So, I went a little more all-out than I usually do, and it was fantastic! Check it out below!

My boyfriend Mike helped me with the cobweb net--it turned out fantastic!
I brought out my wooden puppet (with a neck issue) and clear front casket from long past school projects to bring a spooky element to my art cove--she was keeping the spiders company.
A few friends hanging out in my art cove. I love that my skeleton obsession can come out in full glory for this one holiday.
My brother goofing off on the couch.
I had a red bin of costumes from our Halloweens past, and if any guest showed up without a costume, I picked one for them! =)
I covered every frame with spider webs, and the banister with spiders!

I was really proud of the spider egg sacks I made! These spooked many navigating to the restroom, and it was hilarious to hear their surprised shrieks!

This year's awesome find for my skeleton love collection--a Nightmare Before Christmas banner! I just couldn't bear putting it outside with the elements.

The spider den from the front of the house.

I picked up these jars after reading Martha Stewarts' Halloween Handbook--she displayed a fennel heart for a human one, and a head of cabbage for a brain--they were a hit!
My spiders keeping my awesome pumpkin safe. My mom crafted and personalized this lighted pumpkin just for me--the creative gene runs in the family!

Sally the Skellington surprised all guests looking for a rest here!

Back porch all clean and jack-o-lantern-ified!
I got a beautifully carved jack-o-lantern for my birthday!!!

Starry Pumpkin.

My friend Amanda, who carved the Starry Pumpkin and I. She was a Funky Monk, on top of being so talented!
And I just had to share a few photos of my friends and family who came along, too. (Some were taken with a cell phone, so I apologize for the graininess in advance.) Check them out!

My Derby Wife was a very scary Chucky this year!!!
Not my best photo, but you can see both part of the rumpus I made, and the arms moving for my costume...besides, I've got an awesome Homer for a step-dad, and my brother is The Most Interesting Man in the World!

Happy Birthday Girl!

Marge and Homer, aka Mom and Vance!

And just to finish it off, here's a candid shot of my boyfriend, aka The Riddler, giving me an apparently hilarious riddle to solve! HAHA!

Hope your Halloween was as fun as mine was, and that your upcoming holidays are even more fun!

I'm doing really well with a few steady (well, more steady than it has ever been) orders, and I even expect to get a few more stuffed monster orders in time for Christmas--I can't wait! If you want to see what I'm currently working on, I like to post progress photos of my projects on my Artist Page on FaceBook, so please, check out my page, and if you like what you see, "like" it and share! I would be most appreciative!

Until next time...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Step Back in Time to: The Sketchbook Tour 2012

So, I know that this is quite delayed, but I was finally able to find the correct link to show you all my sketchbook for The Art House Co-op!

Late last year, in the middle of doing lots of Halloween costumes, and then preparing for the holidays and New Year's and all that, I also took on doing a sketchbook for the 2012 Sketchbook Tour that needed to be postmarked by January 31st. It was a hard deadline to make, but I was able to do it! I was so very excited that the sketchbooks have been going on a continental tour, and people will be able to check my sketchbook out just like a normal library book! Thankfully, I also paid to have it digitized, so you won't have to go too far to see it here. It was a great project to set a timeline for, even if I did rush towards the end--I'm thinking about applying for the 2013 Sketchbook Tour, but I've got a few more things to sort out before I can commit to that one, I'm afraid.

Well, it was short and sweet this time, but check back soon to see more photos I had done of my Skeleboys, and my Frankenbox!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Creature Photos!

Hello All! Sorry it's been a while since I've posted--life gets busy, as it always does. BUT! I have good news! I sold my official first creature through my etsy store!!! WOOO!!! I was able to create a one of a kind customized Alien for my first customer from start to finish in a week! It felt so great to set goals and work with a timeline--reminds me of how school used to be, but better!

Before Mr. Alien was shipped to his new family, I was able to have my good friend Vicki Curtis-Stoner stop by the house to take some photos of Oliver and his friends! Check out the photos, and let me know what you think. =)

Oliver the Alien, completed, and ready to travel!

The new Oliver design is much more round than my original one offered on etsy.

I am pleased to introduce to you Squiddy the Cthulu! The newest member of my etsy store!

Oliver and Squiddy hanging out!
Until next time...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Girls' Night Out-Painting Edition

This weekend was an exciting one, and not just because of the tropical storm that came through (however, that was crazy weather!). My mom had been brainstorming with her churches' ladies group for Girls' Night Out ideas, and thought of me, and suggesting I teach a painting class for them one month. I was ecstatic!

My mom and I had done a painting class with a very good friend of mine at Painting with a Twist months ago, and had a BLAST!!! We wanted to borrow the idea, and skip the wine. ;)
I have been painting as long as I could hold a paintbrush, have done many murals, and I've always loved teaching and helping others with art, so I was comfortable with the idea. Mom said she estimated maybe 10 or so ladies would come out, and we started from there. Mom hunting for great sales and bargains, she collected the supplies we needed. I wanted the girls decide what they would like to paint. After seeing Mom's previous handiwork, and also being from Pensacola, they gravitated to a beach scene, that would be easy, fun, and unique for everyone. It looked like it was going to work out fine.
Mom's painting, and mine when we were the students--you can see where I get my artistic side from, right?

Once the day came, an announcement was made in church one last time, again showing my mom's beautiful painting, and that sign up sheet filled to the MAX! It was very exciting!!! But also made me so nervous! Would I do a good job? Would I be able to show them something great? Or will it all turn to a mud pie? Eeeep!

I just took a big deep breath (well, a few), and going in early helped to ease the butterflies. I had come in nice shorts and a pretty shirt, and thankfully I made the smart choice to change clothes before everyone showed up! I ended up getting quite messy. =) We had 29 ladies and girls show up, and it was a GREAT time. Other than my canvas taking a dive into my palette once, I was able to stay neat and on top of the lesson with little trouble. (Well, no trouble, actually!)
Every seat was filled, and every hand was painting! It was wonderful!

Loving all the smiles. =D

Cindy requested a miniature version of the night's project...and she did great!

My Mom and I share the love of little things--her Sand Dollar painting, with a cute display easel.

My Mom and I!

All of the ladies and their masterpieces!!!

I had SO very much fun, and hope maybe we can do it again sometime! It was more than a success. =)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Squish Monster Photos!

Hello! I've been very very busy lately, but I've just been DYING to share these wonderful photos. A very talented and good friend of mine, Vicki Curtis-Stoner stopped by my house just before the roller derby bout a few weeks back to take photos of my stuffed monsters. I'm so very glad she came by at such short notice because I ended up selling an animal! Hooray! (Unfortunately, I was so busy watching the bout and manning the vendor table with friends that I forgot to take photos--sorry!) Still, enjoy the great photos below!

Clawford the Crab!

Olliver the Alien got a new home!

Handy Henry always has a good time!
Lanky Ned loves to cuddle.

 While we were taking photos, Vicki and I came to call my stuffed creatures "Squish Monsters", and I just loved the name!

Olliver the Alien hanging out with Big and Little Neds.

Thank you to Mrs. Susan for helping me with my embroidered tags! (The eyes and nose are my initials.)

My favorite Squish Monster buddies photo!

The bout was a fun one, and there were lots of kids that came out too (our roller derby is fun for the whole family!) and I loved watching the kids playing with my stuffed monsters. Overall, it was a great night. Hopefully I'll have a vendor's table at the next home bout, and I remember to take photos to share with you!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Time for a Change

Well, there have been a few changes going on in my life, and the biggest one of them being that I lost my "real job" very recently. (Hence the time away.) I took about a week to just relax and try to enjoy the sudden vacation--I certainly was not happy in my "real job", but I've been waiting to jump into creating for a living...for too long. Losing that job certainly had it's impact-loss of insurance and great paycheck, but that boot seriously started me thinking about making my own income. I know it will  be a hard and slow start, but I'm willing to fight for the freedom I have now. I do miss having the routine, but the freedom really has opened up my creative pools--I'm convinced I can do this!

So, what really concreted this for me was making a "Care-Panda" for my best friend's one year old. I was doing it for fun, but every time I make another, it gets easier, and looks better. I'm trying better sewing techniques each time, and learning along the way, and ultimately, I get to see the little ones loving on the animals--it's so worth it.

I cross-stitched the care bear years ago, and my friend always asked me to keep it. I think she knew what she wanted me to use it for. ;)

My boyfriend had the adorable idea to do a little trouser flap like he's in long johns! Ha!

Well, I have also been involved in our local roller derby league since I'm out of school, and today they are offering us vendor tables at the bout! I will be selling more of my creatures, like those from the Funky Flea Market, and hope to get some great photos to share! I'll post more pictures of my new Squish Monsters soon--my good friend Vicki took FANTASTIC product photos for a makeover on my Etsy shop at can't wait to share them!